Tanah Beru, Where the Pinisi Came From

The Mona Lisa Pinisi

Have you ever heard about the legendary boat Pinisi?
It's a traditional boat from Indonesia and Tanah Beru is one of the place where you can see people building this boat by their own hands :D

On the road from Bulukumba to Tanjung Bira you will pass after about 25 km Tanah Beru, a village full of boat builders. In the past many boat builders from around Bira moved here, resulting in an interesting concentration of boats under construction. If you are in the village, just go off the main road at the point it makes a sharp curve, and spend some time to visit the building sites.

Most boats are of the type Pinisi. Many of these boats still are built without the use of technical drawings. Still many wood connections are made with wooden pins. Recently the price of boats built here went up drastically due increasing hardwood prices. This did not stop new boats being built. A big part of the boats under construction are ordered by foreigners that operate these "pinisi" for dive cruises. In this place we can see, a great amount of sailing boats are being made in various size from the very huge to the tiny one :)

Here's a bit story about Pinisi:


The Builders: Although the builders of these craft are commonly lumped under the category of Bugis peoples, there are four cultural sub-sets of boat builders to be separately distinguished in South Sulawesi (per the writings of Horst Liebner). The primary groups are the Konjo of the southern tip of South Sulawesi (from near the towns of Ara, Bira, and Tanah Beru), the Mandar of West Sulawesi to the north of Makassar, the Bugis from the region near Wajo on the eastern shore of the Gulf of Bone (the central gulf between the two halves of Sulawesi), and the Makassarese from the region around the city of Makassar. Among these groups, the Konjo of South Sulawesi appear to have had the primary and most influential role as boat builders.

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